Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Beginnings...

It's been nearly 6 months since my last post. The dry heat I was complaining about has given way to a chilling winter and yet another semester has passed. And like all the other semesters, I have, but a fleeting impression of what happened. It is indeed, strange, how the days never seem to pass, but the months come and go, almost without one noticing.

And the reason I did not write anything? Surely, I wasn't too busy. It was probably the lethargy and procrastination that seem to come so naturally to me when I am in Kgp. So, yet another screwed up semester, and more screwed up grades, and I am back to where I started- Just as clueless about what’s going on and just as messed-up. Maybe, with a few closer friendships, and a little more loneliness, a little less wisdom and a lot more of wasted hours. Here’s to hoping that this year, things are different.

Meanwhile, I read this line somewhere and loved it :

"To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance."

1 comment:

Shreya said...

I have read all your posts, and I find this the most beautifully written. It's strange that no one commented on it. The words flow so smoothly, and again, so poetically, even when you are talking about screwed up grades. Almost every line is dripping with it.

"... I have, but a fleeting impression of what happened. It is indeed, strange, how the days never seem to pass, but the months come and go, almost without one noticing."

Loved this line- ".. with a few closer friendships, and a little more loneliness, a little less wisdom and a lot more of wasted hours..." :)

As for the quote, very thoughtful.